Importance of Search Engine Optimisation Reporting

As part of any of our SEO services, you will receive regular reports that contain details of your site’s progress in the search engines and the number of visitors you receive. Complete details are provided on where visitors come from, how they find your site and recommendations are given as to how to grow your site’s visibility and ranking even further. We collect this information from a tracking code created by a program called Google Analytics which we install on your site once your SEO plan begins. In addition, we conduct our own research using tools and manual methods.

The reports allow you to review the new work that has been carried out on your site and the effects it has had. The information given to you is explained clearly so that you can make your own assessment on progress at every stage of the project. This means that you are always involved and informed on how your website’s promotion is progressing.

Without proper search engine optimisation tracking and reporting we will have no idea of the success of the campaign and what else is required to improve your online positions.

We are a London website design company that specialises in website planning, website design and website promotion. Call us to find out how we can work together to make your website work for you online.
