At present we are seeing more smart phones being sold than actual computers. This will the inclusion of iPads and other such mobile devices such as laptops and bluetooth headsets old technolgies such as pagers are a distance memory.

According to a recent Foresters Survey of nearly 10,000 small business owners, it seems that a huge 49% of small business owners are reported to own smartphones. The stats break down like this:

35% – BlackBerrys 33% – iPhones 25% – Androids 7% – Windows Mobile devices.

The survey also interestingly shows that even though 82% of Americans own a phone, 50% have internet on their phones but only 17% actually have smartphones.  It would seem at the moment most users are opting for a cheaper model.

Viewing A Mobile Phone Website Design Versus Viewing Website Designs On PC’s

Whichever way you look at it website design / Ecommerce Web Design needs to cater for this new wave of mobile digital experience. Viewing a website design on a computer is a completely different experience to viewing the same website on a mobile device, smartphone of no smartphone.

An average time spent viewing a website on a computer is between 3 – 4 minutes (depending on the website), whereas More >