Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg voiced himself in last night’s episode of The Simpsons, “Loan-a-Lisa” — a rare public appearance of sorts for the usually private executive.

In the episode, Lisa Simpson takes a friend to an entrepreneur expo to convince him to stay in school. She’s dismayed to find that everyone at the expo (except the janitor) dropped out college to found their companies, including Zuckerberg. Two other famous drop-out executives also appear in the scene: Bill Gates and Richard Branson.

Zuckerberg gets most of the screen time, and he appears again in a brief status update gag at the very end of the episode.

The timing of Zuckerberg’s cameo is likely no coincidence since the Aaron Sorkin-penned film The Social Network just hit theaters. It tells a story about the young, not-yet-dropped-out Zuckerberg’s attempts to get Facebook off the ground.

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