HUGE: Twitter Lets You Automatically Follow Your Facebook Friends

Twitter has announced that it is launching major upgrades to its Facebook and LinkedIn applications, bringing added functionality and integration between Twitter and two of the world’s largest social networks.

The new Twitter app for Facebook, not only allows you to syndicate your tweets to the world’s largest social network, but now has a feature that allow users to see which of their Facebook friends are also on Twitter and choose which ones they want to follow.

The new feature could be huge: it brings existing Facebook connections into the Twitterverse, which is likely to spur new levels of engagement and growth. We’ve already seen a fail whale or two in our testing of the new Facebook app though, making us worry that the new feature could cause downtime.

The microblogging startup is also announcing updates to tweets, LinkedIn’s Twitter application. LinkedIn beefed up its twitter integration last month. It also includes a feature that lets you see which of your LinkedIn connections you follow and automatically follow the ones that you don’t.

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