Most popular searches 2009

There is no suprise that Michael Jacksons death on June 25th produced huge online search volumes with fans searching for information surrounding his death, making MJ top another chart for 2009 – the most searched topic. For Yahoo it was the first time since Britney Spears has been dethrowned as the most popular search. There has been a constant search trend with celebrity stars and they seem to feature highly in the search charts, with more and more 6 week wonders being churned out by TV shows such as X Factor this will surely continue in 2010. It is interesting to see Lady Gaga making a strong appearance globaly on Google and mentions for both FAcebook (no.2) and Twitter (No.4) highlighting how important and popular the social networking giants are becoming.

Top 10 Overall Google Searches in 2009
  1. michael jackson
  2. facebook
  3. tuenti
  4. twitter
  5. sanalika
  6. new moon
  7. lady gaga
  8. windows 7
  10. torpedo gratis

See the annual Zettgeist list from Google.

Top 10 Overall Bing Searches in 2009

  1. Michael Jackson
  2. Twitter
  3. Swine Flu
  4. Stock Market
  5. Farrah Fawcett
  6. Patrick Swayze
  7. Cash for Clunkers
  8. Jon and Kate Gosselin
  9. Billy Mays
  10. Jaycee Dugard

Top 10 Overall Yahoo Searches in 2009

  1. Michael Jackson
  2. Twilight
  3. WWE
  4. Megan Fox
  5. Britney Spears
  6. Naruto
  7. American Idol
  8. Kim Kardashian
  10. Runescape
More >

Areatrade Advent Client Calender – Day 1

Hi All, Merry December…..

Every day we will let the first paying customer, that comes into our shop, open our client advent calender.

Not only will they get a nice chocolaty treat they will also be included in our xmas email to all of our clients and a mention below. We will pick from the clients that have come in during the week to take the weekend spots and if no one comes in on saturday.


Provenance Marketing Drink Marketing Consultant

E: W:

Services we are providing: * website redesign * search engine optimisation * pay per click advertising * social networking set up

Google… it’s changing

As we speak Google is finishing off a new version of its search engine. The upgrade known as Google Caffeine is not a design overhaul but an upgrade to the core program itself to improve the indexing speed, accuracy and relevance of search results returned. There has been a developer preview running for a while now for test purposes but this has recently been taken down and a message left in its place saying that Google Caffeine will go live in its first datacenter soon. Here is the full message. We appreciate all the feedback from people who searched on our Caffeine sandbox. Based on the success we’ve seen, we believe Caffeine is ready for a larger audience. Soon we will activate Caffeine more widely, beginning with one data center. This sandbox is no longer necessary and has been retired, but we appreciate the testing and positive input that webmasters and publishers have given.

Matt Cutts said they hope the search results will not change too dramatically and that you should not see big upsets in your current Google positions, although he admits it is a big change you may seem some movement. Matt says they will probably roll it out on More >

Happy firework night

Download now or watch on posterous

IMG_0381.MOV (1842 KB)

All work and no play makes BING a dull boy

Microsoft have really got into the Halloween feel this year by releasing commercials for their latest search engine Bing. The first featuring a vampire theme… The second based around the classic Stanley Kubrick film ”The Shining” …

Loving their style….

Does Page Rank Count Anymore?

Google have recently revealed that page rank will no longer feature in webmaster tools. We’ve been telling people for a long time that they shouldn’t focus on Page Rank so much; many site owners seem to think it’s the most important metric for them to track, which is simply not true,” states Google. “We removed it because we felt it was silly to tell people not to think about it, but then to show them the data, implying that they should look at it. Does this mean we should all stop looking at our page rank? I’d say no. Whatever Google wants to happen or wants us to ignore page rank it still helps your online business. Having a PR6, 7 or 8 will generate more respect for your website. If you compare a PR1 and a PR8 site – what in your eyes looks more impressive, who looks the bigger company? Who would you be likely to use? It seems this is a move to try and stop link selling. If your website has a PR or 4 or more you probably will have been approached by webmasters or individuals offering incentives or plain hard cash for links. We have always More >

How Tweets Are Ranked In Bing

Twitters search results displays tweets in chronological order and offers no relevancy factors. Bing has introduced a “Best Match” options which attempts to rank the tweets providing more relevant search results. This “Best Match” option compares the number of followers to establish authority on a particular keyword search. There is also a “Most Recent” option which will display real-time results.

“If someone has a lot of followers, their Tweet may get ranked higher,” says Bing. “If a tweet is exactly the same as other Tweets, it will get ranked lower.” As I’m sure you can see there are flaws in this early version of the algorithm which I guess Bing will iron out as updates are realised. If someone chirps out a tweet that is of high relevance, but is a newbie to Twitter, their follow count will be low and therefore in this first roll out be ranked lower.

This shows social networking is a key element of your search engine promotion for your website. We are not saying that stuffing keywords in Tweets is the way to go, instead, having a campaign strategy is a must. You need to keep to the basic rule…. keep providing good relevant engaging content and your follower More >

Social Media Now Even Better For SEO

Google and Microsoft (Bing) have both struck a deal with social media giant Twitter to integrate tweets into their search results. Microsoft have also teamed up with Facebook to include updates directly into Bing. Google says “We believe that our search results and user experience will greatly benefit from the inclusion of this up-to-the-minute data, and we look forward to having a product that showcases how tweets can make search better in the coming months. That way, the next time you search for something that can be aided by a real-time observation, say, snow conditions at your favorite ski resort, you’ll find tweets from other users who are there and sharing the latest and greatest information.” Regardless if Google follows Microsofts lead in teaming up with Facebook, this shows the importance of social networking. Recently the main seo benefit generated by social networking was to create as many in-bound links to your website which in turn improved your search engine position results. This is still the case with the added benefit that your tweets and Facebook updates will also get you found. So when your tweeting and updating your facebook it is much more important to have a seo campaign strategy in More >