Areatrade attended  a night with Dr Stephen Covey

Just like to say what a fantastic night I had in the presence (albeit it 20 rows back) Dr Stephen Covey, world renowned author of, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and the 8th Habit.  Having recently read the E-Myth by Michael Gerber and The Sticking Point by Jay Abraham I would highly recommend this to any business owner regardless if your new to business or been around the block a few times. In-fact the longer you have been in business the more mistakes you probably have made and are making day to day. When I read the E-Myth it was as if Mr Gerber had placed a camera on our walls and based the whole book on us!!!  The changes we have put in place in our business have made an immense difference to both the quality of our product, the delivery of our service, profitability and more importantly happier staff and clients.

Dr Coveys opening statement rang very true to me, I have implemented this theory through our company and I know it works.
“If you want to make minor improvements, work on behavior and attitude.

If you want to make huge improvements work on your business map.”

The map he refers to is the map that us business owners created over time to follow day to day in the running of our businesses. The preset paths or journeys that are undertaken unconsciously in our business day. What we do once an order come in, how it is handled, what is said and given to the client, to the staff, how it is delivered and tracked and so on……
Spend time optimizing your business procedures, ask yourself why you do what you do. Don’t just follow a Map because it is there, times change in business, your clients needs change and you can bet your competition changes also. A business that is not afraid to change is a business that will succeed.
What I found different to M. Gerber and J. Abraham was the staff element. Dr Covey is very focussed on your staff which lets face it is what runs our business. He looks at how to you should lead as oppose to rule, very interesting. He says there are 4 motivations that you need to fulfill within your staff.
Love | Life | Learn | Legacy
“Leadership is to communicate peoples worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves.”
Find out what your staff love to do and encourage it, give them purpose to their life, help them learn the things they enjoying learning and give them the ability to change your business and improve your clients experience. If your staff help to form your company goals and mission statements they become emotionally involved. This is the key to creating a successful culture in the work environment.
“No involvement, No commitment.
No commitment no execution.”
Dr Covey compares the old “Industrial Age” techniques of management with what he calls ” Knowledge Age”.
Industrial Age Leadership
• Boss centered
• People are an expense
• Motivation external
• Boss is responsible for profits
Knowledge Age Leadership
• Complimentary team
• People are asset
• Internal inspiration
• Culture is responsible self tracking
It is quite obvious when you step back and look at this overview of the potential it can have on your business, but before change is made everyone in the business needs to know and understand what the company stands for and what it is strives for. A great Mission Statement designed and engineered for the staff by the staff is the first place to start, the rest will follow. Underlining goals so everyone works together to achieve them.
Dr Covey highlights one of the most important questions a business owner, clients and its staff should be asked.
How likely is it that you would recommend our services to your family and friends?
Dr Covey highlights one of the most important questions a business owner, clients and its staff should be asked.
Out of 10, the average is 3 to 4. You need to strive for 9 to 10′s.
Think how much extra business you would get from this?
As a member of BNI (Business Network International) I understand the power of referrals and recommendations.
Referrals make up at least 40% of our ongoing business.
When you start to analyze your business you need to find all the problem areas, ask your staff to list their problems and frustrations, you ‘ll be amazed at what you find. Then implement a fix it for ever scheme to erase the problem form your business map. Maps need to change, look at the old A to Z for a perfect example. Would you give a new potential client an old 1990 copy of the A to Z and ask them to use it to find you? No….why? ……. they would probably get lost!   Over time, as developments are made Maps need to change and evolve to ensure they can be used efficiently and constantly leave the customer satisfied.
How would you like that to be your customer?
The time is now, start today or get yourself to Micheal Gerbers event in London on the 8th November.
This is what he covers…..
“Most business DON’T work, the people who own them do” – Michael Gerber

10 Reasons why most business fail

1. Lack of management systems
2. Lack of vision, purpose or principles
3. Lack of financial planning and review
4. Over-dependence on specific individuals in the business
5. Poor market segmentation and/or strategy
6. Failure to establish and/or communicate company goals
7. Competition or lack of market knowledge
8. Inadequate capitalisation
9. Absence of standard quality programme
10. Owners concentrating on the technical, rather than the strategic work at hand

Have you created a business or a job?
At An Evening With Michael Gerber, Michael will share with you a proven perspective and business model that will lead you out of the chaos and into a sustainable, organized, systems-dependent (not people-dependent) business. He will draw on his experience of over the past three decades helping build successful businesses around the world to help you build the vision and strategy that you need to transform your business.

You will learn…

  • How to balance the technical, strategic and operational roles of a small business entrepreneur
  • Why you must develop systems and procedures
  • How to separate your life from your company, and understand your dreams and goals
  • How to become the leader you always wanted to be
  • How to create a world-class enterprise
Miss it an your businesses peril!!!!
Tickets available at:
Get 30% off with this quote: GX01
This offer is available until November 1st.
Tweet me if your going, it would be great to meet like minded business owners to share a few tips etc…
