Facebook are releasing a like button to third party websites to display it’s users recommendations. It will allows users that are logged into their facebook accounts to click the button if they like the content. This will then assign the users profile and picture to the content.

They are working with 75 partners to quickly implement the like button to their websites including sites such as NYTimes.com and pandora.com. The it will also appear in the users newsfeed.

“When we launch later today, we expect we’ll serve 1 billion Like buttons on the Web within 24 hours,” Zuckerberg said.

The button can already be seen at Pandora.com and movie site IMDB.com

Product recommendations can now include a Facebook friend’s seal of approval. Jeans manufacturer Levi’s is one of the earliest retail entities known to test the Like button.

Like in business recommendations go a long way this move by facebook will certainly improve online sales. If you see your friends like it you will certainly think differently about it.

We have spoke to clients that have used the services of their friends facebook followers without ever meeting them and without even asking their friend if they can vouch for them. They just assumed as they were connected to their friend they would be ok. Amazing the power of association.

Posted via email from areatrade’s posterous
